Open-Source Contributions

These are a few of my favorite open-source contributions I have been able to make:

Laravel Framework

Composer Packages

BetterUptime for Laravel

This package provides an endpoint to use for BetterUptime to monitor, as well as an optional scheduled job for heartbeat monitoring.

BrilliantPortal Framework

This package provides an opinionated starter kit for Laravel projects:

  • Suggests some helpful dev tools
  • Provides some additional user and team features on top of Laravel Jetstream
  • Provides API endpoints, authorization, and OpenAPI documentation for managing users and teams
  • Provides several common Blade markup components

Laravel MeiliTools

league/commonmark Markdown Parser

Fix a URL parsing bug

Raycast Extensions

Raycast is an awesome launcher app and has replaced Alfred in my daily use. I’ve added some minor features to several extensions:


VS Code

Laravel Forge

WordPress Plugins


Over 3,000 active installations and 45,000 total installations.
Over 10,000 active installations and over 100,000 total installations.
Built as part of my job at LuminFire to help other solutions integrate with WordPress sites.


I added the REST API features and documentation to this plugin.
I added indexing for MB Relationships to this plugin.

Other Projects

Sermon Manager to SermonAudio

Laravel app to migrate sermons from the Sermon Manager for WordPress plugin to