Freek highlighted a number of lesser-known Spatie (pronounced spa-sea) packages:
- Laravel Horizon Watcher: automatically restart Horizon when you change job code
- Laravel Remote: execute Artisan commands on remote servers
- Laravel Support Bubble: a chat bubble for support requests
- Laravel Response Cache: cache the entire response HTML for improved performance
- Laravel Query Builder: a package to easily sort, filter, and query Eloquent models based on request parameters
- Laravel Login Link: a local development helper to quickly log in without using the username and password
- Laravel Error Solutions: another development helper that provides suggested solutions on Laravel’s error pages
- Laravel Blade Comments: yet another development helper that adds HTML comments indicating which Blade components are responsible for rendering parts of the page
- Laravel PDF: a package to create PDF files in a Laravel app, using Browsershot + Chromium
- Laravel Schedule Monitor: a utility to monitor scheduled commands to determine whether they succeeded or failed, when they last ran, etc.