
php iconA quick-and-dirty PHP script to unserialize a string in PHP.

Clone (or download and expand the zip file) into your documents root and point unserialize.dev to the folder.

Note: as of December 2017, Google Chrome requires a TLS certificate to access .dev domains. You can use the script on any local TLD or PHP-capable server without any changes.

Enter your serialized data into the textarea, hit “submit,” and boom!—your serialized data is expanded to a much more human-readable view! Now includes Kint debugger to make it even easier to explore your data. Continue reading “Unserialize.dev”

Alfred MX Toolbox SuperTool Custom Search

If you use Alfred on your Mac and use MXToolbox.com with any regularity, this custom search should save you time.

Add the custom search

Alfred MX Toolbox SuperTool screenshot

Use the keyword “mx” and any of the SuperTool commands listed here to search for the info you need.

Here is another custom search specifically for whois data.

Add the custom whois search

Alfred MX Toolbox Whois information

Here’s an icon you can use, since custom search URLs don’t include images:MXToolbox