Laracon 2024: Caleb Porzio: Livewire Keynote

Caleb’s talk began with an unfortunate 30-minute delay caused by technical difficulties. He and Aaron Francis spent a bit of time entertaining the audience, and then Caleb took questions and answers from the audience until the equipment was ready.

He announced Flux, the official Livewire component library.

Under the hood, it uses a lot of web components, and everything he showed looked very well-designed and thought out.

I’m slightly hesitant to jump in and start using it, because I just recently spent not-insignificant time replacing another form component library that is no longer supported.

Because Caleb is charging money for this, I suspect it will remain a viable business and be supported longer than the open-source one I had used, but I still can’t bring myself to be as gung-ho about it as I’d like to be.