A training site with Vimeo-hosted videos and WP Courseware for students to work through a series of internal training courses.
Project Type: Websites
WooCommerce Customers to Robly Plugin
Adds WooCommerce customers to one or more Robly lists, optionally based on the product(s) they purchased.
Jen Broyles Website
Health information website built while subcontracting for Pressed Solutions.
- Built on WordPress
- Genesis child theme based on Beautiful Pro, designed by in-house designer
- Set up content access control using WooCommerce and WishList Member

Music Preview/Purchase site
A fully-responsive custom-built site featuring several CDs for purchase and some free tracks to download.
Technical features:
- Uses new HTML5 audio player when possible but falls back to loading just an MP3 file if HTML5 is not supported
- Custom Google Analytics events set up to track how many and which tracks are previewed and which outbound links are hovered and clicked.
Missionary Map WordPress Plugin
A simple, easy-to-use WordPress plugin to show missionaries’ locations and information on a map. It uses a custom post type and taxonomies to help you intuitively add information.
Interested in using this on your site? More information here. Continue reading “Missionary Map WordPress Plugin”
Chris & Rebekah Lowe deputation package
Complete branding package for a missionary couple on deputation, including logo, prayer cards, letterhead, info booklet, thank-you card, social media graphics, and website.
Nate and Christy Minion Website
Website for Nate & Christy Minion, missionaries to Labrador, Canada.
Uses WordPress and a customized theme to allow Nate to easily update any part of the site on his own. The design is “responsive,” reflowing to easily fit the size of any device used to view it without forcing the user to zoom and scroll around the site.
World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions Website
Website for World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions, based in Kings Mountain, NC.
Uses WordPress to allow office staff to easily update almost every part of the site on their own. Built responsively for ease-of-use on mobile devices, including iPhones, iPads, Android-based phones and tablets, and other modern web-capable devices.
Missionaries are stored in a custom post type to allow tagging by country and ministry type; each missionary has a PDF prayer letter archive; the office staff regularly posts articles by different missionaries.
Designed in conjunction with April Howell.
Ambassador Baptist College Website
Original design by Ryan Griffin; coded as part of my duties on full-time staff at the college. Built from scratch with a custom PHP framework to give complete freedom and flexibility. Includes a Paypal-based online bookstore, fully-searchable sermon archive, daily chapel live streaming, and a number of other custom features.