Debugging HTTP Client Request Assertions in Laravel Test Suites

The Http::assertSent(), Event::assertDispatched(), and Queue::assertPushed()) test methods are perhaps a bit unintuitive.

They seem like they would run just once and check the assertions provided in your callback.

In fact, that callback runs once for each HTTP request (or dispatched event or queued job) and it evaluates the logic inside the callback for each. So if you have 10 requests (or events or jobs) and 3 of them return true it passes. If you have 10 requests and 9 of them return true it passes. It only fails if none of the callbacks return true.

So using dd($request) in one of those assertions is only dumping out the first one and then killing the test. You might not see the one you actually need.

If you’re trying to see what data is in the request, you’re better off either doing something like Log::debug($request->body()) or ray($request->url())1 or putting an xdebug breakpoint on the first line of the callback, running the test, and pressing the “continue” button until you get to the request you’re trying to inspect (possibly the second or fourth or tenth, depending on what happens before the one you want to inspect).

Here is a few code samples that may clarify this a bit more:

Using Laravel artisan tinker and psysh with Xdebug

I often use Xdebug for troubleshooting and interactively debugging local code as I write it.

Laravel’s artisan command is extremely useful for running code interactively during development. (It’s based on another utility named psysh.)

It can be very useful to set some debug breakpoints and then run code interactively using artisan, but occasionally when I run php artisan tinker, the PHP shell just sits there and doesn’t accept any input until I kill my xdebug listener.

Thanks to this issue, I finally have a solution.

Add this to the psysh config file (~/.config/psysh/config.php on macOS):

return [
  'usePcntl' => false,