Laravel Tip: Generating Signed URLs with Ignored Parameters

TL;DR: don’t use ignored URL parameters when building signed URLs or the resulting signed URL will be invalid. Instead, manually append them to the resulting URL.

Laravel includes some really nice helpers for building signed URLs:

They allow you to generate a URL containing a signature that prevents anybody from modifying the URL to access something you didn’t intend (e.g., you could provide a signed URL for a specific post with ID 123; if somebody changed that ID to 124, then Laravel will display a 403 Signature Invalid error rather than happily displaying post 124).

Occasionally you may wish to ignore certain URL parameters when validating the signature (e.g., a pagination or print parameter).

In this case, you cannot include the ignored parameter when generating the signed URL, or the URL will be invalid.

Here’s an example. This route ignores the print parameter when verifying the signature:

If you generate a signed URL without the print parameter, it will be valid. But if you include print in the URL parameters for the helper method, the resulting signature will be invalid, because Laravel uses all of those parameters to generate the signature. Instead, just add the new parameter to the end of the resulting URL:

Note how examples 1 and 3 have the same signature; that is the signature that Laravel calculates when determining what the correct signature should be to verify that the URL has not been modified. The example 2 use print=true when generating the signature, but will remove that parameter when verifying the signature, so they don’t match.

Update: I submitted a PR to the framework to pass ignored parameters to the signed route methods to make this easier.

Debugging HTTP Client Request Assertions in Laravel Test Suites

The Http::assertSent(), Event::assertDispatched(), and Queue::assertPushed()) test methods are perhaps a bit unintuitive.

They seem like they would run just once and check the assertions provided in your callback.

In fact, that callback runs once for each HTTP request (or dispatched event or queued job) and it evaluates the logic inside the callback for each. So if you have 10 requests (or events or jobs) and 3 of them return true it passes. If you have 10 requests and 9 of them return true it passes. It only fails if none of the callbacks return true.

So using dd($request) in one of those assertions is only dumping out the first one and then killing the test. You might not see the one you actually need.

If you’re trying to see what data is in the request, you’re better off either doing something like Log::debug($request->body()) or ray($request->url())1 or putting an xdebug breakpoint on the first line of the callback, running the test, and pressing the “continue” button until you get to the request you’re trying to inspect (possibly the second or fourth or tenth, depending on what happens before the one you want to inspect).

Here is a few code samples that may clarify this a bit more:

Adding Sentry to a Laravel/Inertia/Vue 3 app

I’m in the process of adding Sentry to a Laravel app that uses Laravel Jetstream with Inertia.js and Vue 3, and the Sentry Vue 3 documentation wasn’t working for me because the app setup was wrapped inside a createInertiaApp function.

The key is to add Sentry in the setup method of that function:

Shimming MySQL Functions into SQLite for Laravel CI/CD Testing

Colin DeCarlo presented a talk at Laracon Online where among other useful tips, he demonstrated how to shim MySQL functions in an SQLite database (e.g., add functions that MySQL has but SQLite does not).

Here are two examples that I just needed in a project (FLOOR and DATEDIFF):

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

DB::getPdo()->sqliteCreateFunction('floor', fn ($value) => floor($value));
DB::getPdo()->sqliteCreateFunction('datediff', fn ($date1, $date2) => Carbon::parse($date1)->diff(Carbon::parse($date2))->days);

Redirect to Original URL with Laravel Socialite

We’re using Laravel Socialite with a self-hosted GitLab instance to authenticate users for an internal tool.

Every time the session times out, the OAuth flow redirects the user back to the default dashboard, regardless of what URL the user originally requested.

However, Laravel provides a url.intended session key with the original URL; here’s how I used it, with a fallback to the dashboard URL:

return redirect()->to(
    session()->get('url.intended', route('dashboard')

Database Platform Comparisons for Laravel Feature Tests

TL;DR: MySQL significantly outperforms MariaDB in my automated test suite.

The Problem

This Twitter thread prompted me to do a bit of research on database platforms for Laravel automated tests.

I’ve recently been building an ecommerce app based on Laravel. Partway through development, we added geometry fields to a couple of tables in order to determine distances. I’ve been using this spatial package, so SQLite was not an option for my test suite.

As soon as I switched the testing database driver from SQLite to MariaDB, my tests immediately took an extra 12–13 seconds to run, regardless of whether I ran the entire test suite, a single file, or just one test.

This significantly lengthened the feedback loop when making changes to code and re-running tests.

So when I saw Jack Ellis mention that he uses MySQL for his test suite, it made me curious if he had the same issue.

He said that one of his test files runs 39 tests in < 2 seconds, so apparently it’s not been a problem for him.


  • I’m using the LazilyRefreshDatabase trait added in Laravel 8.62.0 on my entire test suite
  • I’m using squashed migrations
  • Many of my tables have constrained foreign keys referencing other tables


I decided to do some digging; here are comparisons using four different platforms for the same test in my application.


I’ve been using MariaDB as the main database platform on my development machine for years. Currently I’m on version 10.6.4.

In-Memory SQLite Database

I temporarily disabled the geometry features and tried the in-memory SQLite database (DB_CONNECTION=:memory:); it performed much better for the same tests:

SQLite File Database

I then tried with an SQLite file (DB_CONNECTION=sqlite), and it performed about the same:


I have an installation of MySQL 8 set up for one app that uses some specific MySQL 8 and I figured why not give that a try too.

Here are the results:


For some reason, MariaDB takes approximately 12–13 seconds to tear down and recreate the database before starting to run tests, but MySQL is much faster.

While testing MariaDB, I opened the raw data directory for the database, and noticed chunks of files being removed and recreated at a time, so perhaps the foreign key constraints are (part of) the culprit here.

I do have 77 databases with ~3800 tables in my MariaDB installation built up from various projects over the years. It seems unlikely, but theoretically possible, that the server size could be part of the problem too.

I think I’ll experiment with switching back to MySQL as my development platform of choice.

Have you run into this same issue? Have any tips or tricks? Let me know in the comments.

Retrieving Route and Parameters from an Arbitrary URL in Laravel

I build an oEmbed provider in a Laravel application the other day and needed to parse an arbitrary URL to determine the route and parameters passed in order to determine the response.

Since I already had the routes built for the possible URLs, I didn’t want to duplicate code and re-parse them.

Here’s how I ended up retrieving the route and parameters:

Using psysh in Shared Hosting or Limited User Environments

When using psysh or Laravel’s php artisan tinker in a limited user’s environment, you may run into this error:

Unable to create PsySH runtime directory. Make sure PHP is able to write to {some directory path} in order to continue.

This is caused by psysh trying to use a path that’s not accessible to the user.

To fix, add a file at ~/.config/psysh/config.php with this content:

return [
    'runtimeDir' => '~/tmp'

Using Laravel artisan tinker and psysh with Xdebug

I often use Xdebug for troubleshooting and interactively debugging local code as I write it.

Laravel’s artisan command is extremely useful for running code interactively during development. (It’s based on another utility named psysh.)

It can be very useful to set some debug breakpoints and then run code interactively using artisan, but occasionally when I run php artisan tinker, the PHP shell just sits there and doesn’t accept any input until I kill my xdebug listener.

Thanks to this issue, I finally have a solution.

Add this to the psysh config file (~/.config/psysh/config.php on macOS):

return [
  'usePcntl' => false,

VS Code and Laravel Tasks

Several of my recent projects are Laravel apps that use Horizon to manage the queue and run jobs.

However, I frequently forgot to run php artisan horizon when opening the project, and sometimes spent a bit of time trying to figure out why a job hadn’t run before remembering. 🤦

In addition—and this is a relatively minor annoyance—even when I do remember to start Horizon, sometimes I’d like to see the metrics dashboard showing how many jobs have run in the past few minutes.

Edit: I added npm run dev to help with Tailwind JIT mode and Vite asset building.

Workspace Tasks

Enter VS Code’s Tasks feature. This can automatically start running tasks when a workspace is opened.

To get set up:

  1. If you haven’t yet, go to File > Save Workspace As… and save a workspace config file to somewhere on your hard drive
  2. Open the command palette (command-shift-P) and activate “Tasks: Manage Automatic Tasks in Folder”
  3. Activate “Allow Automatic Tasks”
  4. Open the command palette again and activate “Workspaces: Open Workspace Configuration File”
  5. Add the following to the workspace config file:

Now every time I open the workspace, assets are rebuilt as I modify them; Horizon, Pulse, and the scheduler start running automatically; and stale logs and failed jobs are pruned, keeping my database at a manageable size.